Shortlisted candidates Of SSC And DSSC 2022/2023

The Nigerian Army has shortlisted the Successful Candidates for the SSC 47/2022 and DSSC 26/2022.

Shortlisted candidates Of SSC And DSSC 2022/2023


  1. The Nigerian Army Selection Board for SSC 47/2022 and DSSC 26/2022 will be held from 16 January to 5 February 2022 and 1 – 14 February 2022 respectively at Falgore Training Area in Kano State. All the Shortlisted Candidates of SSC 47/2022 are to report to the venue of the exercise on 16 January 2022 while all the Shortlisted DSSC 26/2022 Candidates are to also report on 1 February 2022.
    All the Shortlisted Candidates are to appear for the Selection Board with the following.
    a. Writing materials including ruler and eraser.
    b. 2 pairs of pure white short sleeve vests.(No long sleeves)
    c. 2 pairs of navy blue shorts.
    d. Canvas shoes/trainers and white socks.
    e. Toiletries.
    f. Plates,drinking cups and set of cutlaries.
    g. All Beddings including blankets, bedspreads and pillow cases.
    h. 4 copies of full size color photographs at standing position in suit.
  2. The Selection Board will include physical, medical and academic tests. All candidates will also go for Oral Interview
  3. All the Candidates will be required to bring original and photocopies of the following:
    a. All your professional or academic certificates which inudes degree/HND, WASC/GCE or any other equivalent certificate, testimonials, NYSC Discharge certificate or valid letter of Exemption Certificate.
    b. Valid birth certificate as signed by the National Population Commission, hospital, Local Government Council of birth or valid age declaration from any Court of Law.
    c. Valid state of origin Certificate.
    d. Military Identity Card (for Service personnel).
    e. Military Personnel are to bring Letter of recommendation by the commanding officer.
    f. Valid letter of sponsorship in tertiary academic institution for military personnel.
    g. Printed Bank Verification Number (BVN) certificate authenticated by the bank.
    h. All the Completed copies of the print outs from the Nigerian Army portal including the referee forms.
  4. Candidates are to note that any attempt to change any information on their documents will render the documents invalid and eventually lead to automatic disqualification.
  5. All Candidates will be fed and accommodated throughout the period of the interview.
  6. Every Candidate will be responsible for their transportation to and from the interview venue.
  7. No candidate is allowed to use personal/private vehicles throughout the duration of the interview.
  8. Visitors will not be entertained throughout the duration of the interview.
  9. All the Shortlisted SSC Candidates are to report at Nigerian Army Training Area in Falgore Kano State on 16 January 2022 from 8 am. Candidates who arrive later than 9am on 17 January 2022 are automatically disqualified.
  10. All the shortlisted DSSC Candidates are to report at The Nigerian Army Training Area in Falgore Kano State Nigeria on 1 February 2022 from 8 am. Candidates who arrive later than 9am on 2 February 2022 are automatically disqualified.
  11. All candidates are expected of a high discipline. Candidates who violate any rules or instructions during the selection board would be disqualified.
  12. To download the List of the Successful candidates, Follow the link bellow.

For those who wish to Apply For the DSSC 2022/2023 Session, Read about the Nigerian Army DSSC Recruitment 2022/2023

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