Highest-Paying Mechanical Engineering Jobs in 2022

Highest-Paying Mechanical Engineering Jobs in 2022: Knowing these organizations makes your application process easier when you are ready to become a part of the workforce. I will tell you the best companies you should work with as a mechanical engineer and other tips.

Where Can Mechanical Engineers Work?

Before getting into the details on a few of the highly reputable firms in which mechanical engineers work, you may be amazed by the number of jobs that are currently available, in the U.S. alone.


An additional 14% carry out their duties in machinery manufacturing and 11% apply their skills in the transportation of equipment. 7% of mechanical engineers carry out manufacturing duties on behalf of the organization that specializes in computer and electronic goods. These figures alone speak high volume of the diversification of this occupation. Duties of Mechanical Engineers

Mechanical engineers literally do the following:


Mechanical engineering is one of the widest engineering fields. Mechanical engineers design and execute the manufacturing of many products ranging from medical equipment to new batteries.

Computer technology aids mechanical engineers in creating and analyzing designs, run simulations on devices, and evaluate how a device is likely to operate, interact with connected devices, and generate sections for parts.


How Much Do Mechanical Engineers Make?

Their hard work and experience pay off, eventually. According to the BLS, the average annual wage in 2020 for this major nationally was estimated at $88,430, more than double the average salary among all majors $39,810, and literary higher than the household income of $61,937, based on studies from the Census Bureau.

In some countries, however, mechanical engineers stand to earn higher. Their yearly average wage in California last year, for instance, was $107,920, the highest in the nation. Texas engineers usually earn six-figure salaries of $102,980.


Highest-Paying Mechanical Engineering Jobs That is Trending

There are many reasons why some countries might have higher salaries than others. Some countries have a higher standard of living compared to others, which increases payment in many industries. Some countries are hubs for an organization that pay mechanical engineers more handsomely.

  1. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

An offer in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) remains one of the most sought after by mechanical engineers from around the world.

Not surprising, as being engaged with NASA brings not just respect but manifold opportunities to meet and even collaborate with top scientists and engineers from the States and other countries.

  1. Google

Google, the unbeatable the largest computational technology organization in the world, operates some of the biggest and most advanced computer hardware systems.

Base on this, Google doesn’t acquire a ready-made device but makes it’s own new. To do so, the organization needs a strong workers base of mechanical engineers.

  1. The Boeing Company

One very popular organization for mechanical engineers is Boeing, the largest aerospace organization in the world. As it is always seeking to improve on its manufacturing of military aircraft and commercial jetliners, mechanical engineers who are good enough to land a job in the organization are guaranteed to acquire new skills and grow their careers when they work with the organization.

  1. Apple

A leader in users’ computer technology, Apple is in regular need of the skills of mechanical engineers. Work includes designing, developing, and testing users’ electronics and tools like next-generation devices.

  1. Lockheed Martin Corporation

Lockheed Martin is the United States’ first manufacturer of military tools such as military gear, radar systems, aircraft, and riffles. In addition, designing, developing, and testing all these devices require the skills of mechanical engineers.

  1. Microsoft

One big name in the computer technology field. Like Google, Microsoft needs hardware devices that can’t be bought from run-of-the-mill computer hardware shops. Because that it system, Microsoft requires mechanical engineers to create these specialized hardware devices.

  1. GE Aviation

GE Aviation creates engines both for commercial and military use. With such a wide base, regular research and development, as well as testing of next-generation devices, are then required, mechanical engineers are fully trained to do.

  1. United States Department of Energy

Another government organization with which mechanical engineers can find work in. Mechanical engineers in this field play an important role in identifying and developing a safe, economically viable, and environmentally substantial solar system.

  1. Ford Motor Company

Ford one of the driving force in America’s automobile manufacturing organization. Continually seeking to improve its operations, Ford consistently requires the skills of mechanical engineers to develop mechanical systems.

  1. Walt Disney Company

We are all used to thinking of mechanical engineers as working in the technology fields. But this is not always the case; other fields also requires the skills of these professionals.


The US-based organization responsible for bringing the GPU, is a leader in technology and artificial intelligence devices, two fields that are having rapid development and expansion across the world.

  1. IDOM

IDOM was ranked 39 out of 100 best Civil Engineering Companies by New Civil Engineer magazine (NCE). IDOM’s inclusion in this ranking estimate increased productivity and the company’s contribution to positive cultural change in technology throughout the world.


Those of you mechanical engineers seeking to work for a large organization, those listed in this article are some of the best. Their salary and extra packages and the opportunities that they offer to work on large-scale, award-winning projects, you can see and do great things at these companies.

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