How To Create Google Admob Account

Many people who are familiar with mobile app knows what Google Admob Account is all about. In this Post, we will be explaining the Step by step on how to create Google Admob account. If you are new to, Congratulations to you because is where you get all the latest information you are looking for.

What Is Google Admob?

Admob is Google advertising platform for promoting and monetisation of mobile applications.

How Google Admob works?

Admob provides a way for Google to advertise client product and how does this work, they had to take the permission of application developers to advertise this ads on the App, and in return pays the App owners.

How To Create Google Admob Account

How Admob Payment works?

Based on criteria you set, the ads are created and paid for by advertiser’s who want to promote their products, since these advertiser pay different prices for different ads, the amount you earn will vary.

You may ask, Does Admob works on blog also? the answer is No, Admob works only for Apps while Adsense is for blogs. Now let’s go down to how to create Google Admob account.

How to Create Google Admob account.

  • Go to “
  • Sign up with a valid email address that has not been used for applying for any ads network.
  • Choose your country, time zone, your country’s currency as the mode of payment.
  • In the next page, mark all fields YES.
  • You will be asked if your App has been uploaded on playstore (if your App is on playstore, click YEs) but if not click NO, this will not affect your application since Admob does not necessarily want App before approval.
  • Enter App information: (Name of App) wether existing or not, it maybe your proposed name to your App. then click on Android.
  • Click on ad unit. (you’ll find three(3) ads unit which is “banner, interstitial, and reward”)
  • Click on banner and input ads unit name (name it banner 1) after that, click create ads unit, you will find two (2) alpha numeric codes, leave the first code and copy out the second code. create interstitial 1 by following the same procedure.
  • After creating (1) banner ads unit and (1) interstitial, copy out the codes. save the code on your notebook or any gadget. do not create anything for reward. then click on done.
  • Scroll to payment and fill in your current address (please make sure your address is very correct)
    you can search Google for the postal code of your area.