How Much Do Dental Braces Cost In Nigeria?

Dental braces are devices utilized in orthodontics that help put in order and align the teeth; with this, the device aid in placing the teeth properly as it pertains to bites, and it also helps the teeth’ overall health condition.

Braces are made major from ceramic or metal, wires, and bonding materials, that connect the braces to your teeth. You should keep in mind that there are no age limitations to fixing braces and adults can also fix braces.


Braces can be considered quite costly in Nigeria, but considering their uses, they are worth your money. With the braces, you can correct crowded or crooked teeth. Even with braces, you can correct malocclusion.

Dental braces vary, and so do their prices. You can always opt for the braces that fit into your budget any time any day.


Do you want to know how much dental braces cost in Nigeria? You made it to the right post because, in this article, I will be going into detail about the price of braces in Nigeria.

What Are The Uses Of Dental Braces

With dental braces, you can correct jagged and crowded teeth. And also, dental braces can rectify malocclusion.


Different Types Of Dental Braces

There are various kinds of dental braces in Nigeria and their prices also vary, depending on the material used for the dental braces. Below are the various kinds of dental braces:

  1. Traditional Wired
  2. Gold Plated Stainless Steel
  3. Ligual Braces
  4. Titanium
  5. Customized Orthodontic Treatment System
  6. Progressive, Clear, Removable Aligners

How Much Do Dental Braces Cost In Nigeria

Fixing dental braces in Nigeria can be very costly. Fix dental braces in Nigeria can cost from N500,000 to N1.5 million. However, the fees are worth it as it improves the general condition of your teeth; especially for those with crooked and crowded teeth.


How To Care For Dental Braces

There are some necessary steps you will have to take if you wish to care for your dental braces. Here are some ways to care for your dental braces:

Once your dental braces are fixed, you should stay away from foods like popcorn, hard candy, chocolate, and chewing gum. The above-mentioned junks can get stuck in between your braces and gum line.

Also, you will have to regularly visit the orthodontist every 8 to 10 weeks for checkups and adjustments. The professional would examine to know if your braces are in good condition and if your oral health is going as advised.

Complications And Risks Of Dental Braces

The installation process of the dental braces can be smooth and pain-free; however, subsequent contacts can cause soreness and ache, but this would subside after a few weeks. The orthodontist would prescribe painkillers you will use to battle these pains.


Dental braces are relatively costly in Nigeria and this is due to their uses and benefits. Dental braces costs between N500,000 to N1.5 million. In this article, I went to info detail about the price of braces in Nigeria and their uses.

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