NMFB Household Loan 2022, Portal & How To Apply

NMFB Household Loan is one of the best loan that you can get presently in Nigeria. NMFB Loan which is also known as Nirsal Microfinance Bank House-hold Loan is a loan offered by Nirsal Microfinance Bank in conjunction with CBN.

NMFB Loan will assist you in the process of building a businesses or expanding an existing business, and maintaining your lifestyle. This is a very good one which everyone can talk of, because it’s a Non-Interest Facilities to Households. This simply means you pay back the exact amount you get without adding any Interest. Please Note that this loan is different from online Loan Apps

How To Apply For NMFB Household Loan

All the interested people who wish to apply for NMFB Household Loans are to visit their Application Portal https://nibloans.nmfb.com.ng/noninterestlendingtcfhousehold

Follow the steps required and fill in all the requirements needed in the application form.

NMFB Household Loan

To make it easier for you, You can Download the NMFB mobile application on Google play store if you use an Android, and Appstore if you are using iPhone.
Once you have successfully downloaded the app, Click on the Sign Up button.
After this, enter your NIRSAL MFB account number as your username and your registered mobile number. Then click on the Register button to register.

Requirements Needed To Apply For Household Loan

  1. Your letter of employment
  2. Pay slip.
  3. Your staff ID card.
  4. 6 months statement of your bank account.
  5. Other valid means of ID like your National ID, Drivers’ licence, and so on.
  6. A utility bill.
  7. 2 passport photographs.
  8. A guarantor form

Once you have the documents stated above, go ahead and apply for the NMFB Household Loan as your application will be attended to.

NMFB Household Loan Application Portal

For those Applying for Household Loan, visit their Application Portal https://nibloans.nmfb.com.ng/noninterestlendingtcfhousehold.

Some people has asked a question on how to know if their loan has been approved or not. The answer is that NMFB will contact you once your loan has been approved or disapproved.