How To check Nirsal Loan Approval With BVN

Many People who apply for Nirsal Covid 19 Loan has been asking this question on how to check nirsal loan approval with BVN. Don’t worry because infomademen got you covered as we are going to give you complete details on how to check Nirsal loan approval with bvn number.

Before we go into the main article which is how to check nirsal loan approval with BVN, for the purpose of those who dont know about Nirsal Loan, Lets briefly exaplain what Nirsal Covid 19 Loan is. We have already written an article about how to apply for Nirsal Loan, So you can also read about that.

How To check Nirsal Loan Approval With BVN

What is Nirsal Covid 19 Loan?

Nirsal Covid 19 Loans is a loan offered by the federal government to individuals and households due to covid 19 pandemic. Many Nigerians took the opportunity to get loans from the federal government to support their business or buying some foods during the pandemic. Now many people who apply for the loan dont know if they are approved or not because some people do receive message that their Nirsal loan is approved while some did not get the message. So the only option left for you is to check it manually by visiting their website and using your bvn and that brought us to how to check nirsal loan approval with BVN.

How To check Nirsal Loan Approval With BVN

  • If you Applied for Nirsal Loan, Normally you are supposed to receive a mail telling you that your loan has been approved. Incase the message did not come, You need to visit
  • When you visit the website, Choose the type of loan which you applied for. Note that there only two types of loan offered by Nirsal which are SME or Individual/Households.
  • Next in the line is submitting your BVN to verify if your loan is approved or not. If eventually you are lucky and your loan has been approved, you will receive a pop up window which will show how much you have been approved for.
  • Once the amount approved has been shown to you, the next thing is to Provide them with your correct bank account details in the correct way which will be shown to you on their Portal.

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